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Seda Ghukasyan

Pashinyan Says He Misled Public on Karabakh; Declares No Alternative to Regional Peace

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during a parliamentary session today devoted to a discussion on how his government is implementing its national agenda, admitted his guilt and responsibility for both the 44-day war and defeat, but denied claims by the opposition that he’s handing over land to Azerbaijan.  

"I recently hinted in an interview that if they want to accuse me objectively, they should accuse me not of handing over land, but of not handing over land,” Pashinyan said.

He said that he was guilty of not telling the public in 2018-2019 that all of Armenia’s friends expected Armenia to return the seven Karabakh territories and to lower its stated position on Artsakh’s status.

Pashinyan confessed that he should have told the public that the international community fully recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and expected Yerevan to do the same.

“It expected that the Azerbaijanis who left Karabakh to be fully involved in determining the future of Nagorno-Karabakh," Pashinyan said.

 Pashinyan said it was his fault that he didn’t tell the public that even the worst-case settlement scenarios for Armenia were not acceptable for Azerbaijan.

"By handing over, I might have saved thousands of lives. But by not handing over, I became the author of the decisions that led to thousands of victims,” Pashinyan said, adding that he found it difficult to convince himself that “the fruits of victory” could be handed over and not get anything in return.

Pashinyan stated that he was publicly speaking about this to start a conversation about the future.

He said the international community clearly states that Armenia, the only country in the world that does not recognize Turkey's ally Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, poses a threat not only to Artsakh but also to itself.

"The international community says lower your bar on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh a little, otherwise it says please do not rely on us," he said

Pashinyan said that given the current situation, there is no alternative to the peace agenda and that, as the elected leader of Armenia, he must follow through on its peace mission.


Comments (7)

What a disgusting/disgraceful Turkophil pseudo-Armenian is Pashinoglu! He came to power with the slogan"Artsakh is Armenian, and period!" but now is talking about the "territorial integrity" of Azerbaijan and the "rights" of the Azeri people in Artsakh! This clown, who is the founder of yellow-media journalism in Armenia, is well aware of the fact that Artsakh had never been part of Azerbaijan simply because it has a history of 1000s of years, whereas Azerbaijan has been in existence since 1918. Artsakh was an integral part of the historic Armenian Kingdom (the tenth province of Armenia from 189 BC until 387 AD), and part of the Eastern Armenian Kingdom, both under the Persian and Arab rule as a part of the Armenian administrative unit. During the Russian-Persian war (1804-1813) the Russian Empire annexed Karabakh in 1805 which was de jure confirmed by the Gulistan treaty of 1813, and subsequently by the Turkmenchay treaty which concluded the Russo-Persian war (1826-28). On July 4, 1921, the Caucasian Bureau of the Communist Party of Russia convened a plenary session, in the result of which Nagorno-Karabakh, Nakhichevan, and Zangezur remained as a part of the Armenian SSR. However, on July 5th in an effort to placate the oil-producing Azerbaijan and Bolshevik Russia’s Kemalist allies in Turkey, the initial decision was reversed, by the decree of Joseph Stalin, Russia’s commissar for nationalities who placed Artsakh under the administration of Soviet Azerbaijan as an autonomous region. Therefore, the "internationally recognized" territory of Azerbaijan was a generous donation to Azerbaijan by despot Stalin. In this regard, the approach of the "civilized world" is so hypocritical. When it comes to anti-communism propaganda, then they name call Stalin an "evil dictator" (which is very true), however, when it comes to the “territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”, the decree of the same evil dictator (i.e. donating Artsakh and Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan) becomes "international law"! What disgusting hypocrisy, eh?
Vartan Altounian
Every Armenian leader knew the day would come for a second war and they nothing to prepare for it. I’m fact everyone knew but nobody cared, instead they make themselves rich by selling the country and enriching themselves. What did they think was going to happen sooner or later. Instead of building the army and the country all they was enriched themselves.
Hagop Markaryan
Well, then go ahead and resign, so Armenia can have honest PM.
I wish the world was as simple as you describe it to be...Joe....buddy!!
Bob , Get real buddy ! The dream has long bern over. Now, have your borders, secure them, work hard, develope, diminish corruption, produce and be a productive member of international community !
“It expected that the Azerbaijanis who left Karabakh to be fully involved in determining the future of Nagorno-Karabakh," Did they expect that the Armenians who were cleansed from their ancestral lands in Naxichevan to be fully involved in determining its future? Or the future of the western provinces? Armenia’s biggest mistake was that it had to forcefully partner up with the Russians to save Artsakh from annihilation. Being friends with the Russians is against the narrative. Touché Stalin! He was truly a visionary...a murderous one but none the less a visionary... Continue the peace process and modernize the army!!!
Տ. Մարգարյան
Անձը հիշողության հետ խնդիր ունի, բացի նրանից, որ ջղաձգորեն մանիպուլացնում է. բա դու չէիր, որ նոր կետից էիր սկել բանակցությունները, դու չէիր, որ «Արցախը Հայաստան է ու վերջ» գոռում, քո մեղադրյալ դարձաց նախարարը չէր, որ «նոր պատերազմ, նոր հողեր» կենացներն էր ասում... Դու դրանք ասելից բանակցային թղթերը դեռ չէիր կարդացել? դու քեզ Kissinger ես կարծում, իրականում դու հոգեբույժի կարիք ունես...

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