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Seda Ghukasyan

"No Pasaran" - Pashinyan Ally Says Opposition Cannot Win

Vladimir Vardanyan, Chair of the Armenian National Assembly’s Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs, at today’s legislative session said that the political opposition’s attempts to force the resignation of the current government is doomed to fail.

“There’s an adequate term to express what I mean, No Pasaran,” he said.

Vardanyan, a member of the ruling Civil Contract parliamentary faction, as a “fifth column” that has no need for government or country, including Artsakh.

He rebuked the opposition, led by the Hayastan and With Honor parliamentary factions, as working like an “extra-parliamentary civil movement” neglecting their legislative obligations.

Vardanyan also ridiculed what he described as the armchair patriotism of the opposition leaders, asking why they failed to mobilize their forces during the 2020 Karabakh war.

He did not clarify what he meant by the “fifth column” description in the case of Armenia, only saying that the opposition wants to secure the gains and property it accumulated in the past.

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