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Raffi Hovannisian: “Armenians have received another de facto legislature”

The Republic of Armenia and its citizens find themselves in grave systemic crisis. The parliamentary polls held on May 6 have delivered a nationwide abyss deeper and more ominous than ever before.

The incumbent regime has imposed in an unprecedented manner a cult of complicity upon large segments of the Armenian public, and despite its own democratic rhetoric has comported itself and the elections in defiance of civil liberties, constitutional rights, and an unfettered expression of the national will.

Once again the people of Armenia have received a de facto legislature and, unless we together and immediately act to return to them the power and protection they are due, the Republic is condemned to greet the next in a long line of de facto presidents as well.

We deserve - and shall have - better. We deserve - and must achieve - de jure leadership both in parliament and at the presidency.

In its long-standing tradition of humble public service, the Heritage Party will continue to serve the citizen-nation and its interests both in the current circumstances of de facto shame and in a near future of de jure dignity. We shall do so in all available arenas, through all possible avenues, and against all probable odds.

We thank those of our fellow citizens who cast their votes for Heritage - whether or not they were among the few that were officially registered in our favor - because they were born of a free will, a clear conscience, and a brave belonging to our Homeland and its calling.

Upon completion of a critical consultation process with our civil supporters and public partners, Heritage will present its detailed assessment of the “State of the State” and share its vision - temporarily obstructed but ever so sharp and undeterred - for the New Armenia which is bound to come.

For this purpose, Heritage will deliberate in congress on June 2.

Raffi K. Hovannisian
May 15, 2012

Comments (2)

Դե յուրե մտաք խորհրդարան, իսկ դե ֆակտո` ձեզ այդքան էլ ձայն չէին տվել: Ոնց եք գործելու դե ֆակտո, որ իշխանությունն ու օրենքի պաշտպանությունը վերադարձնեք Ժողովրդին? Ոչ մի իջոցով դե յուրե չեք կարող, իսկ դե ֆակտո միջոցների էլ չեք դիմում:
De jure` խեղկատակի մէկն է օտար ազդեցութեան լաւապէս քողարկուած վարպետորդի լծակ Ռաֆֆին, հանդիսատես ունենալով Հայաստանի բարոյալքուած ու դաւից անտեղեակ քաղաքացին:

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