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Tatevik Shaljyan

Babukhanyan v Andreasyan: Appeals Court Decision on May 31

Armenia’s Court of Appeals today reviewed the petition brought by Hayk Baboukhanyan, seeking to overturn a lower court’s verdict that threw out threw the slander suit filed by him Babukhanyan and Iravunk Media Ltd against report.am and Edik Andreasyan.

Hayk Babukhanyan had claimed that a August 8, 2010 article by Edik Andreasyan that appeared in report.am was slanderous.

Before the hearing, the court urged the sides to settle out of court. The litigants deemed such a resolution impossible.

In its decision, the lower court found that that plaintiff Babukhanyan had violated Point 13 of the Civil Code’s Article 1087.1 that sets out a one month deadline for filing a suit after the alleged defamation or insult has been committed.

Babukhanyan had appealed, arguing that the lower court had misconstrued the meaning on the statute in question.

The Court of Appeals will issue its decision on May 31.

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