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Seda Ghukasyan

Armenia’s Deputy Police Chief Defends $5.6 Million Bonus to Cops

Armenia’s Deputy Chief of Police Vardan Movsisyan disputes allegations that the US$5.6 million paid to the country’s police force in May as “bonuses” was to reward officers for handling anti-government protests.

Movsisyan told reporters today in Yerevan that police officers receive bonuses according to the law and that such renumeration is commonplace.

In 2018, the police were rewarded three times, twice in April and once after the revolution. There were awards during 2019, 2020 and 2021," Movsisyan said.

He said the average monthly salary, including bonuses, of a police officer is 215,000 drams ($480).

When asked why officers from the provinces are being dispatched to Yerevan to monitor the ongoing protests, Movsisyan replied the additional manpower is needed to ensure public order and safety.

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