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Euronews: "Forget about France: Armenia is hub of winemaking!"

"Forget about France: Armenia is the hub of winemaking!" 

Euronews, a leading international media network, has declared the Armenian plateau the ancient homeland of winemaking.

Euronews highlights the 8,000-year-old traditions of Armenian viticulture and 6,000-year-old winemaking culture, adding that one should not miss one of the oldest winemaking regions, Armenia when thinking about wine.

Euronews emphasizes that the unique exhibits kept in the Wine History Museum recently opened in Armenia open the way for visitors to the past and modern solutions of Armenian winemaking, showing the deep connection of the region, religion, culture, and medicine with Armenian wine.

"The museum, located only 30 km away from Yerevan, in the Armenia Wine Winery,  is located in eight meters deep basalt rocks. When you go through an underground tunnel, you feel like you are entering a huge wine cellar," says Euronews. "The historical-archeological-ethnographic samples in the museum show how the wine accompanied Armenians from the cradle to burial rites."

Taking advantage of the museum's tendency to popularize the culture of ancient winemaking, Euronews"points out the existence of a bibliography, which proves that Armenia is truly the cradle of winemaking.

(Paid Content)

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