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Trdat Musheghyan

Armenian Ministry Wants to Revoke Honorary “People’s/Meritorious Artist” Titles

Arguing that there’s no objective criteria for measuring popularity, the Armenian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (ESCS) proposes to revoke the honorific titles of “People’s/Meritorious Artist”.

The ESCS, in a draft bill, says the popularity of any artist or cultural figure cannot be determined at the discretion of a given expert group, and that such titles hinder the free expression of artists by creating a culture of competition.

At the same time, the honorary titles of "Honored Art Worker" and "Honored Cultural Worker" will be retained, which, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, may include the content of the canceled titles and gain a higher status.

Such titles were created during the Soviet-era.

The bill has yet to be approved by the government 

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