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Seda Ghukasyan

Armenian Parliamentary Majority Hasn't Reached Decision to Terminate Powers of Absent Opposition MPs

The Armenian parliament’s ruling Civil Contract party hasn’t yet decided to launch the formal process to terminate the powers of opposition MPs who have boycotted the work of the legislature for weeks.

Hayastan (Armenia) and With Honor MPs have boycotted the parliament for weeks to voice their opposition to PM Nikol Pashinyan and his administration.

The National Assembly’s press service, in response to a Hetq inquiry on the matter, said no decision on the matter had been reached.

Parliament Speaker Alen Simonyan has repeatedly said that inexcusable absences will not be tolerated.

Simonyan has the right to convene a session on the National Assembly’s Council on the matter. If the Council approves the motion to terminate the powers of certain MPs, it can be sent to the Constitutional Court for review.

Simonyan heads the nineteen-member National Assembly Council, dominated by Civil Contract MPS.

According to the parliament’s press office, fourteen opposition lawmakers, including parliament vice-speaker Ishkhan Saghatelyan, can now be formally charged with absenteeism.

Saghatelyan led weeks of street protests in Yerevan to force Pashinyan to resign.

Comments (1)

Dikran Gulyan
Armenian Parliament is full of cowards, busy insulting one against another, rather than protecting Armenia from Azeries.

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