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Dutch "Hay Tad" Head Barred from Armenia, Says Lawyer

Masis Abrahamyan, who heads the Dutch Armenian Committee for Justice and Democracy - Hay Tad office in the Netherlands, has been banned from entering Armenia after being declared "persona non grata" by the Armenian government, this according to human rights lawyer Ruben Melikyan.

Melikyan, in a Facebook post today, writes that Abrahamyan is being held at the Zvartnots Airport’s transit section.

“I know Mr. Abrahamyan personally. He greatly helped the institution of the Human Rights Defender of Artsakh in 2016-2018, when I was the head of that institution,” writes Melikyan, who’s been hired to defend Abrahamyan.

The Dutch Armenian Committee for Justice and Democracy - Hay Tad is affiliated with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF).

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