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U.S. Embassy Statement on Violence against Minorities

The US Embassy condemns the firebombing of Yerevan's D.I.Y. Club on May 8, 2012, and the continued acts of vandalism against the club. The crime appears to have targeted a sexual minority group.  Armenia’s own constitution prohibits the incitement and use of violence. Using violence against any minority--racial, religious, ethnic or sexual--is unpardonable. Acts of hate should never be condoned by public officials, let alone praised. Regardless of their minority affiliation, all citizens and foreign guests in Armenia enjoy equal protection under Armenia’s constitution and law, so violence against them should be swiftly and firmly prosecuted and the offenders punished. We urge Armenian officials to adopt a zero tolerance policy against all hate crimes and violence directed at minorities in Armenia, and to fulfill their responsibility for according all citizens protection under the law. 

Today, in Washington, D.C., Secretary Clinton is releasing the 2011 Annual Human Rights Reports, which call for tolerance of diversity, all types of diversity, based on internationally accepted standards and principles.   You can watch the live broadcast of the release at www.state.gov at 10:30am (6:30pm in Yerevan).

Comments (14)

Hay_Axchik (NeNe), yes erok cavumem Hayastane eracejake hamar yev hamozvacem yte ayspes sharunakve Hay azgen mec vnasner pete kre amen tesake, me bur hogh me bur azg yev ayskan glkhacavankner, enchu mer Hay azgen arjane che lav aprelu? menk khelace azgenk bayc ankhelk gorcerenk anum yev dra hamar anverj tanjvum, yes chem havatum vor 20 tare araj ayskan Gomekneren yghel Hayastanum, yrb Hayastanen ankakhacav amen tesak azatutyan hetevankaov sksan copy anel uresh azgere varken yev mshakuyten yev ays patjarov Hay azge nestukacen yev shnorken moracvec, ays patjarov amenec shat haravacen stacav nor serunden, vore hetevaknerec meken Gomeknern, amen ore tvov shatanumen yev ench pete lene Hay azge apagan nor serunde tserkerum????
Hay_Axchik (NeNe)
14. Andranik, im karciqov amboxj Ashxarhuma shatacel SATANAYAKANY.... sranq bolory satanayakan baner en.... sa incha nshanakum ete voch ASTCUC heranal??? Inc tvuma, ete Astvac chmekni ir cerqy,,, noric voxj Mardkutyuns noric enq korcanvelu...... vortev chi kara espes sharunakvi.. amenur Anardarutyunner... Vat ararqner, mi xosoqov,,, arden hamarya bolor erkrneri ishxanavornern el Mason SATANIST en,,, patrastvum en, SATANAYI galstyany..... vor amenqy irenc hertin TAGY hancnen SATANAYIN... u et jamanak klini 1 ARAJNORD SATANA... U qani jamanaky motenum e NER-i, ashxarhov mek AYLANDAKUTYUNNERY (mankukneri handep el).. gomosexualizm,,, amen tesak Anarakutyunner u djbaxtutyunner,, aveli u aveli en shatanalu... vortev sranq SATANAYAKAN BARQER en.... Hayastany es amenic karox er heru mnal,, ete unenar NORMAL u lav HAY Arajnorndner..... Bayc cavoq srti HAYASTANN el mi masn e ashxarhi, u nranq HAYASTANN el gravecin,,, u menq chkaroxacanq heru mnal ays Amenic... 20 tari araj, nman baner chkayin... bayc es ameny mez, mer serundin henc MECERY tvecin... Mer MECERY (voronc uxexnern el SOVETN er LVACEL) chkaroxacan pashtpanen mez... anterutyan toxnelov... SHNERN el tenc PCHACRECIN mez.... es tenc havatacyal chem,, bayc havatum em u zgum em es ameny..... chkarceq CNDAC HAVATACYAL EM ELI.... Izur mi tanjenq cez... axoteq... naev cer mterimneri u hay joxovrdi hamar... i verjo amen mard inqna voroshum ira hetaga kyanqy... ete iranc dura galis SATANAYI Kraky.. u irenq merjum en ASTCO LUYSY... inch karox enq anel???? Vochinch...... Uxaki nor serundin SER tanq u havatanq vor nranq LAVY klinen.... :) Shat em sirum im HAYERIN....
The U.S should look into it's own crimes against humanity in Iraq, Afghanistan, and inside the US itself. The U.S. should first of all examine its daily gross violations against its minorities. Until today there is an unwritten segregation of blacks and whites, killing of blacks in the streets and drawing them behind trucks. Who looks into the crimes of the State when it presses the rights of Americans, monitors e-mails, locks people at Guantanamo for 10 years without any charges, waterboards people over and over, tortures prisoners, etc etc. The U.S. should never force its agenda on Armenia or any country, for it is the greatest violator of the rights that it claims to protect. FIRST and FOREMOST let the U.S. recognize the Armenian Genocide, as Genocide is the greatest violation of any kind, shape or form of Human rights.
Wow...American...I agree with you. The U.S. needs to do a lot to clean it's own closet. I guess, the U.S. is in no position to teach others about Human Rights. How about the Indian people living in reservations? Do they have full rights as a U.S. citizen does? Or they are treated as a second class citizens? Additionally, I'm wondering, who controls the State Department?
I agree. It is equally important for us as a nation who has been through a genocide because of intolerance to be extra sensitive to others who are different than us. Lets get past all this hatred. We have enemies at our doorstep who really don't care what our sexual orientation is.
Honestly, who cares what color they are, wish they had more to contibute to the the humanity in terms of talent; what we care about is - the genious... If only they could bring more to the table than their sexual diversity and colors, the world have been a better place...
Do we need so much freedom in Armenia? do we need homosexuals in Armenia? where were all this homosexuals 20 years ago? |Do we have to imitate other other countries? We don't need the Americans to tell us how to run Armenia, America talks big about democracy & freedom then why don't they recognize the Armenian genocide?? How do we value freedom & democracy in Armenia? by having homosexuals roaming around in the streets? do you call this freedom? How did Armenia have so many homosexuals in 20 years of independence?
Razmik, homosexuality is not a disease but sexual desire, don't tell me that all these homosexuals were hiding in there homes during the Communist times, when Armenia became independent people started imitating other life style & culture with out understanding, you call the homosexuals minorities under the constitution of Armenia? this how you value freedom? then open your ass & walk in the street & call your self a minority to be protected under the constitution, freedom has a limit I don't think the constitution of Armenia says you can walk naked in the streets just because Armenia is a free democratic country, Razmik do you like to see your son imitating the homosexuals? please answer to this question, I don't care about how other countries define freedom in there constitution because we are not monkeys to imitate with out understanding, so before insulting me think how would you feel if your son becomes another homosexual to be protected under the Armenian constitution????????
Andranik, what's your level of education - kindergarten? According to your warped sense of comprehension, there were no gays in Armenia pre-independence. Yeah, they just sprang out of the ground after 1991. Get a grip man. That's exactly where those gays were hiding during the Soviet era- in their homes and basements. Otherwise they would be carted off into insane asylums somewhere in Siberia. How's is walking the streets naked in Yerevan other than young teenage STRAIGHT Armenian girls who are trying to ape western ideals of femininity? Talk about monkeys imitating others without understanding!! The state is tasked with protecting all its citizens from undue discrimination and persecution. That's what normal governments do, whether east or west. You sound like a very insecure male who cannot educate his children correctly about sexual matters. Armenia has more pressing concerns to tackle other than a few gays coming out of the closet and wanting a modicum of protection guaranteed to them under the constitution. But maybe you come from a country where such principles of equality and pursuit of happiness do not exist. You like to make references to monkeys...If so, you sound like the monkey who is deaf, dumb and blind.
Hay_Axchik (NeNe)
Ktesneq, mi qani tari heto et shexvacnery vonc en mer gluxnery KRCELU..... Amota linelu NOrmal, Baroyakan,, Lav-y linely.... Arden isk, Dranc Berannery pakel chi linum,,, nranq Qaxckexi nman en... Nranq VATN en... shat VATY..... Amenavat Anecqy bnutyan mej !!!!!
Razmik, unfortunately you are a block headed Moran with a donkey brain, I'm very sure that you are also homosexual defending them, freedom has boundaries with moral values, democracy & freedom is not for having homosexuals in the streets or walk naked disgracing the community like stone age people, Armenia has hardly 3 million population & I don't think it needs homosexuals roaming around the streets disgracing the country & its moral values causing the young generation to imitate, which planet do you come from that you are so block headed to understand primitive things? why don't you go to America & join the homosexual community you will have all the freedom that you are looking for & you can have your son to represent the homosexual community, what a honorable Armenian you are, you should be praised with honor for your stupid mentality & illiteracy.
Hay_Axchik (NeNe)
AMN-i despanatuny ba inchi chi datapartum u chanachum Hayoc Cexaspanutyuny??? U Amerikan ova vor mi hat el dataparti kam voch... Amerikan, 200 tari araj Evropaneric vtarvac Hancagorc massana,, vor 200 tari araj gnacin entex kotorecin hndiknerin u hima el iravunq en verapahum,,, Ashxarhi Hnaguyn Azgin daten kam ardaracnen??? Amerikan tox sksi arajiny inqn iren dateluc... Chaponyayi rumbi hamar,,, Traqi paterazmi hamar,,, September 21-i hamar... u hima el Irani hamar.... Kecce HAY HNAGUYN AZGY,, vory dareri yntacqum chi exel sranc nman XOZER u BORENINER u ANSERNER!!! HAYERY Hskaneri u HZORNERI serundner en voch te gomikneri.... 20 tari arajva paterazmn el e da vkajum,,,, ov el kuzi vor pchacni mez,, tox nra serundy ANICVI!!!
Hay_Axchik (NeNe), kecce kez vor haskanumes ench kpatahe Hay azgen yte ays Gomikneren taparen poghocnerum yev ench pete sovore apaga serunden, khndrumem mehatel Razmik bacadre eracejaken hayrenov vor haskana, Razmik asume vor Gomekneren petke azat taparen Hayastanum da mardu eravunkne yev azatutyunen tuyladrume Gomekneren taparen hayastanum, shateren karcumen Hayastanen petke tutake nman ane ayn ench uresh yrkernerenn anum, vorteghaen ays Gomekneren 20 tare araj? vorteghec clecen yev bazmacan vor aysor khaytaraken Hay azgen^?
Hay_Axchik (NeNe)
12. Andranik, es shat lav haskanum em Razmiki gracy.... Uzum es asem te vortexic arajacan ays gomiknery.... verjin 20 tarum..... Ankaxutyunic heto, Hay azgi arajnordner darcan otarneri koxmic nshanakvac GORCAKALNERY... voronc hancnararvac er MASNATEL, HAYATAPEL, KRTUTYUNY VERACNEL, AYLASEREL NOR SERUNDIN.... U Ajspisov VOCHANCHACNEL HAY AZGIN.... Inchy 20 tari heto parz tesnum enq... Hay TXAMARDUN Robert Qocharyany mer bolori achqi araj NVASTACREC... (inqy baraci asec vor HAYASTANUM TXAMARD CHKA) umic vaxenum er, giteq inch arec.. mnacacin el nvastacrec, txamardy Ashxatanq chuner.. yntaniq cher karum pahi... u ete YNTANIQI TXAMARDY arden AMUR chi,,, apa ajd yntaniqn el amur chi... nra kinn el ir dirqic durs kga... txanern el kdarnan GOMIK isk axchiknery ANARAK.... Inch en el vor drseric uzum ein.,, u inchn el mer arajnorneri cerqov exav.... es der 16 tarekan ei sax ory tany krvum ei meronc het asum ei vor incha linelu mi 10 15 tari heto.. bayc inc lsox chkar.... exav en inch es zgum ei.... pchacrecin mi voxj serund u azg... Axr parzic el parza.. exernic heto, myus qayly mer Hayastany veracneln er.... inchy exav... LTP-i jamanak 1 milionic mard lqec u heracav che Hayastanic??? Mnac 2 MILION??? Es 2 Milioni kesy CHqavorutyan meja,.. kesy Oligarx CH-HAYA... kesy serund chtvox AYLASERVAC GOMIKA kam ANARAKA... el inch mnac??? Hima hay erexa cnvuma??? kam hima ova amusnanum normal??? Vse estex 1 milion Normal HAY chka.... KTREL 3 glxani VISHAPI 3 gluxnery (LTP, ROB, SERJ).... CHENTARKVEL u CHSTRKANAL voch NACIST RUSASTANIN (Vory TURQI EXBAIRNA) u voch el ALYASERVAC USA-in (MASON-SATANIST).... HAY-y boloric hzory u UJEXY karoxa lini Ashxarhum,,, miayn te ete haskanan irenc UJY u havaqven irar glxi!!! kariq chka, energian caxselu gomikneri vra,, unenq en inch unenq... harkavor e vor menq AROXJNEROVS u UJEXNEROVS hamaxbvenq... u KORUSTNER hnaravorins QICH Tanq... qani vor HAY-y da voch Musulman e (Antiv, Anhamar), voch Evropaci u voch el Amerikaci.. menq QANAK u TIV chenq mysuneri nman... HAY-i 1 HOGU Korusty da KORCANARAR e ays azgi hamar!!!! Korust e GOMIK linely, OLIGARX linely, ANARAK linely.. Es chnayac arden chem havatum,,, QAXCKEXY arden VERJIn PULUM e!!!! Astvac tox mez Ognakan lini!

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