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New U.S. Minsk Group Co-Chair in Armenia for Talks

Philip Reeker, recently appointed the U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, has arrived in Armenia to discuss U.S. support for diplomatic efforts between Armenia and Azerbaijan towards a lasting peace and efforts to normalize Armenia-Turkey relations, this according to a statement released by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia.

In June last year, Reeker visited Yerevan as part of a regional visit. He then served as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

The U.S. State Department issued the following statement regarding Reeker’s appointment as the new co-chair.

“The United States is committed to helping Armenia and Azerbaijan negotiate a long-term political settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Ambassador Reeker will also work with like-minded partners such as the European Union and, as Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, will promote direct dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The appointment of Ambassador Reeker during this period also confirms the importance of the role of the United States in the Geneva discussions on Georgia.”

On August 24, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken appointed Reeker the country’s Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations. 

“In this capacity, Ambassador Reeker will serve as U.S. OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair and lead negotiator for the U.S. delegation to the Geneva International Discussions during this critical period,” Blinken wrote.

Reeker is in Yerevan as part of a regional visit to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

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