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Tariri Red Dry: The New Benchmark of Armenian Centuries Olld Winemaking

The following is a paid Armenia Wine release.

“Tariri” red dry wine of Armenia Wine Company is again on the highest platform of honor at the most prestigious international "Mundus Vini" award.

For the company, this autumn is abundant not only with the fragrant harvest of the vineyards but also with international awards. the red “Tariri” of 2019 received a Gold Medal at the 31st Annual Mundus Wine Awards, highly praised for its unparalleled nose and taste.

“Tariri” wine is a worthy descendant of the priceless heritage of Urartian winemaking, which combines the Armenian wine culture and the newest international technologies.

Armenian endemic Areni, delicate French Cabernet Sauvignon, aromatic Merlot and 14 months of aging in French oak barrels. This is where the noble “Tariri” gets its unique bouquet.

“Tariri” white wine previously won the "Best of show" honorary award at the "Mundus Vini" awards, this year's gold medal is an exciting continuation of that victory. This victory of the Armenia Wine Company is a new, high level for Armenian products.

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