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Anya Sarkisova

Diaspora Armenians Rally Against Azerbaijani Aggression

Armenians throughout the world have stage demonstrations to protest this week’s Azerbaijani attacks along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. The Azerbaijani military also targeted towns and villages in Armenia.

What follows are some of these demonstrations covered by the international media.


A demonstration was organized in Beirut in front of the Azerbaijani embassy. The protesters wanted to enter the embassy building but were prevented by local police.

 Los Angeles

On September 13, Armenians marched through Los Angeles chanting "Armenians are attacked by Azerbaijan", "Stop the Azerbaijani aggression".

Washington, DC

Area Armenians, waving Armenian and Artsakh flags, protested outside the Azerbaijani embassy. The demonstrators chanted "You are terrorists".

The protest resulted in embassy staffers to come outside and shout at the demonstrators.

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Armenians gathered in the city square to protest of Azerbaijan's military aggression against Armenia.

Lyon Mayor Grégory Doucet wrote on his Twitter page that the Azerbaijani attack on the Armenian people is unacceptable.

"Azerbaijan's unilateral aggression towards the Armenian people is unacceptable. The international community, the U.N. should act," he wrote.

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