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Artsakh Remains Commited to Achieving Independence, Says President Harutyunyan

Following his talks in Yerevan with Armenian government officials for clarification regarding the October 6 Prague statement confirming Armenia’s and Azerbaijan’s commitment to recognize each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty, Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan returned to Stepanakert and yesterday told MPs that his administration remains committed to achieving international recognition of the independence of the Artsakh people.

Harutyunyan said the people of Artsakh have the right to self-determination.

Harutyunyan led a delegation to Yerevan last week to voice his concerns over the October 6 statement.

Artsakh Foreign Minister Davit Babayan, who accompanied Harutyunyan to Armenia, told reporters in Yerevan that any peace deal with Azerbaijan must specify that such mutual border recognition doesn’t apply to Karabakh.

Harutyunyan had to wait for almost a week before being received by Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan.

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