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Hayk Makiyan

Resistance Through Song: Artsakh Children Perform in Yerevan

Children from Artsakh sang songs of resistance in a Yerevan park yesterday, declaring that despite the difficulties facing their country everything will turn out fine.

The group of forty children, who traveled to Yerevan to watch the 2022 Junior Eurovision competition, haven’t been able to return to Artsakh given the blockade of a section of the roadway by so-called Azerbaijani environmental activists

In the video, a boy sings the Chorus of the Leblebi Sellers from the famous operetta "Leblebiji" written in 1875 by Constantinople native Dikran Chukhajian. It was performed for the first time during the premiere of the operetta on November 17, 1875 at the Français Theater in Constantinople. (Leblebi - toasted chickpea snack)

Interestingly, to avoid official censorship, the song and the entire operetta was staged in Turkish although the Armenian text existed before the premiere. In 1882, Mardiros Mnagian wrote a new Armenian text for the song, and the chorus was spread as an Armenian liberation anthem.

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