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Armenian Political Analyst: “Aliyev personally ordered recent military incursions against Armenia”

The head of Political Science Association of Armenia Hayk Kotanjyan has forwarded the following statement to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and  the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs:

Military Provocation Synchronized with the Visit of the US Secretary Clinton

In its statement issued in May 2012, Political Science Association of Armenia drew the attention of the international community to the fact that an official from the office of the Azerbaijani President performing the order of the head of the state issued a statement that meant the territorial claim   to the Republic of Armenia synchronized with the arrival to Baku on May 11, 2012 the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs from Russia, the US and France.

Given the fact of the total control exercised by Ilham Aliyev’s regime over the state and public institutions in Azerbaijan no one can doubt that the given provocation was ordered by none other than President Aliyev himself.

Yesterday – on the very day of the US Secretary of State’s arrival – a raiding party оf Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces in accordance with the order of Ilham Aliyev killed three Armenian military performing their duty in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Under the condition of the arms race uncontrolled by the international community in the Karabakh conflict zone, the treacherous killing of the Armenian citizens in the territory of the Republic of Armenia synchronized with the visit of one of the highest officials of the US (Minsk group Co-Chair state) to the South Caucasus is a cynical challenge to peace and stability in the South Caucasus and surrounding region.

Political Science Association of Armenia calls upon the Honorable Minsk Group Co-Chair States to condemn in possible strongest terms the provocative actions of Azerbaijan and exert pressure on Aliev’s regime demanding an unconditional implementation of the all international obligations concerning preservation of cease-fire regime on the Line of Contact.

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