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Anya Sarkisova

Yerevan Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Artsakh Outside U.N. Office

Hermineh Avagyan, who participated in a hunger strike outside the U.N. office in Yerevan, is surprised abd disappointed that many in Armenia are not interested in the humanitarian crisis now facing Karabakh Armenians.

Artsakh native Avagyan is one of several women, mostly from Artsakh, who have staged a hunger strike for the past three days outside the U.N. office, demanding that the international body take steps to reopen the Lachin Corridor.

In addition to the hunger strikers, people have come to the site with food donations, requesting that the U.N. ship the provisions to Karabakh.

The U.N. office has yet to respond to this request.

"We gathered in front of the U.N. office, because it’s an organization that can and does provide food to people facing a humanitarian crisis in different parts of the world. They just need to open their eyes and understand that people need support, that there is hunger, that there are children living there who are deprived of normal nutrition,” Avagyan told Hetq.

Former Armenian Human Rights Defender Larisa Alaverdyan also participated in the protest.

She appealed to the employees of the U.N. office to deliver the food collected by the protesters to Artsakh.

Today's hunger strike participant Seda Grigoryan announced they will continue their protest later today in front of Yerevan’s EU embassy office.

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