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Edik Baghdasaryan

President Sargsyan Must Sever All Links with Nemets Rubo or Face the Consequences

If President Sargsyan doesn’t hand over MP Ruben Hayrapetyan over to law enforcement authorities, Armenia is in for a series of unforeseen developments.

No one voted for Nmets Rubo, Lfik Samo, Tokhmakhi Mher or Hermineh in last month’s parliamentary elections. It was Sargsyan himself who wrapped them around the neck of the public.

The president burdened us with these crooks and then urged us to “Believe in us and we will change things”. This was the dubious line fed to the electorate by the ruling Republican Party.

President Sargsyan now has the chance to rid us of one of these notorious crooks. But Sargsyan makes out that he doesn’t see the opportunity now at his fingertips. It’s hard to imagine what the president is thinking.

Why doesn’t he hand over Nemets to law authorities? What links Sargsyan and Ruben Hayrapetyan so intimately? What is tying Sargsyan’s hands?

If RA Army Lieutenant Colonel Vardan Samvelyan had blown up the Harsnakar Restaurant as planned, who would have accused him of going to such an extreme?

There are hundreds of army officers who are thinking the same thing as Samvelyan. Many want to take justice in their own hands through the use of force, so that they and their relatives are not subjected to the same fate as the three army physicians savagely beaten by Nemets Rubo’s gang.

I believe that Serzh Sargsyan has started to think that such an outcome is possible. Many at the candlelight vigil outside the Harsnakar Restaurant were talking about taking direct action – that’s to say exacting retribution.

Perhaps the authorities don’t take such bravado seriously, but the process has begun. Samvelyan is only the first officer to act. The second will not be so agreeable to negotiate with police. The consequences are hard to predict.

Ruben Hayrapetyan must finally be brought to justice in order to stop the actions of his criminal gang. Law enforcement is well aware of what each member of this gang has done over the years. Their case files, conveniently closed at the behest of the powers that be at the top, must be reopened.

It would seem that Serzh Sargsyan has no alternative; he wants to be re-elected president.

But the people are making it abundantly clear that they don’t want a president who shields Nemets and his ilk from justice.

The Republican Party remains silent today. Only Edward Sharmazanov has stated that Hayrapetyan is a modest and moral man.

Sharmazanov will change his tune tomorrow and state the exact opposite, if need be.

Maybe Sharmazanov actually believes that Hayrapetyan is the embodiment of morality and modesty. I wouldn’t be surprised.

That’s the kind of person he is. What more can I say but...go with God.

(Photo - Slain army physician Vahe Avetyan)

Comments (13)

This system can only be changed if non-Hayastansi Armenian politicians are allowed to participate in the system. This corruption was caused from the rapid change from communism to capitalism. Armenia needs a mixed economic system using both capitalist and socialist aspects.This system has worked well in Western Europe and contributed to the high standard of living. Capitalism promotes oligarchies. I live in the US and we have the oil oligarchy, the Wallstreet banking oligarchy and the defense contractor oligarchy and they can commit crimes and will never be punished.Pure capitalism is as bad as communism but in a different way. We need a centrist approach.
Հարցադրումը հստակ է, հարգելի Է. Բաղդասարյան: Պատասխանը պետք նույնպես հստակ տրվի, եթե մարդիկ դեռ ընդունակ են ադեկվատ դատելու այս իրադրության մեջ: Իմ կարծիքով «ջրելու տարբերակն» այստեղ այլեւս չի կարող աշխատել, որովհետեւ գիտակցում են՝ եթե սա էլ կուլ տրվեց, ուրեմն ամեն ինչ պիտի կուլ տալ: Եվ վերջապես, նեմեցն ինքն էլ պիտի գիտակցի, որ իր լավագույն տարբերակը դատվելն ու նստելը կլինի:
ԿՈՂԸ ՀԱՍՏ Է ՄՆԱԼՈՒ, ՃԱԿԱՏԸ`ՊԻՆԴ;Այդ պնդով ու հաստով այս ազգին մատաղելու է ;ՀԻՄԱՐ ԲԱՆԵՐ ԵՄ ԱՍՈՒՄ,ԲԱՅՑ ՀԻՇԵՔ եվ կհամոզվեք; Մեծամանիան հոգեկան հիվանդություն է և հատուկ է բթացեղին;
Aha Hanrapetakan kusakcutyan hancavor gorcuneutyan hertakan ardjunk@, @ntrutunneri naxashemin Kotayki marzi Gexashen hamajnki @ntroxneric 1000 dzayni dimac HHK-n xostacav azatel bantum gtnvox gjuxi eritasardneric mekin, ays lur@ axmuki patchar dardzav, angam mijazgajin karujcner@ ardzagankecin... gyuxaciner@ tasibi harc er tvecin dzayner@ ev aysor arden azatutyan mej e hancank katarac eritasard@, vory himnakan mexavorn er, isk ayd gorcov mi kani hogi ein datapartvel. sa en mer ishxanutunner@, ayspes en @ntrvel ev dra hamarel ayspes en varvum... isk ayd depkum inchu chen ardzagankum lratvamijocner@?
Վարազ Սյունի (Ամստերդամ)
Լիովին համաձայն եմ հոդվածի հետ: Ես հենց այնպես չեմ 2 անգամ գրել,որ այս գործը քաղաքական երկրաշարժ է: ԲՈԼՈՐ հեղափոխությունները սկսվել են Չպլանավորված,այսպիսի «կայծերից»: Նույնիսկ Առաջին Համաշխ.Պատերազմն է մեկ մարդու սպանությամբ սկսվել: Հեղափոխություն,ընդհանրապես, հասունանում է այն ժամանակ,երբ մարդիկ քաղաքական սիստեմը խաղաղ-քաղաքական միջոցով փոխելու հնարավորություն այլևս չեն տեսնում: ..........................................................................................................Այսօրվա Հայաստանի քաղաքական էլիտան ստրատեգիական խելք չունի. վկան «Հայ-թուրքական պրոտոկոլների» այդքան ՍԽԱԼ քաղաքական հաշվարկումը: Ուստի չեմ զարմանա, որ այս դեպքն էլ սխալ վերլուծեն (չտեսնելու տան),որը ՀԵՆՑ ԻՐԵՆՑ շենքն է, ի վերջո, փլելու. ու միայն Ռ. Հայրապետյանը չի,որ մնալու է այս քաղաքական երկրաշարժի փլատակների տակ:...............................................................................................................Իսկ բոլոր նրանք,ովքեր ասում են «սարքել են» Ռ.Հայրապետյանի գլխին, ԿԱՏԱՐՅԱԼ ՍԽԱԼ են,որովհետև սա իր ու իր մարդկանց ոչ առաջին,ոչ էլ երկրորդ «հերոսությունն» է: ՀԳ. Միշտ ՄԵԾԱՄՏՈՒԹՅԱՆ ժայռից են ցած գլորվում ու քարերին զարկվելով ...
Serz Sargsyan@ petk e i verjo haskana vor es erkir@ petk e makri LFIKNERIC u NEMECNERIC te che zogovurd@ sarsapeli gzvac a .
Sireli hayrenakicner, kartsum em joghovurdn arden vaghuc ver e atsvel mi bazmutyan, wortegh havaqvats en ays kam ayn anardarutyan zoh dardzats mardik! Chka hamaxmbvatsutyun, ev chi karogh linel lurj dimadrutyun! Mekin qcum en, mekin nvastacnum, myusin spanum ..... ev amen mard ir dardn e ergum! Kan worosh kazmakerputyunner, woronq ed amenn irenc hamar verelqi arit en darcnum, bayc amen depqum cav@ mnum e tujoghi harazatneri vra! Kartsum em ays depqn el i verjo kancni kgna, u kmna miayn harazatneri xor visht@! Sa el mnacatsneri nman kdarna andznakan cav!
One does not need to be a Physiognomist to be able to interpret the perverted faces of Armenian leaders. The “Butka” face of the MP owner of infamous Harsnakar restaurant is no exception. But how can I complain when I align with those who say that people are deserving of their leader? As an Armenian who is far away from his homeland I fell disempowered… Thankfully we live in time when a ‘postman is not required’ to relay a message, and my words will reach Minds that can influence trends in my Motherland. We need to get rid of “Patron and client” political system in which current Armenian state is entrenched in. As a citizen of a country I should care less who is a friend of “D@ky Zoro” or “Nemets (more like Fascist than anything else) Rubo.” Until we as people, reach that level of Egalitarianism, Armenia and many states like herself will always be robbed of talented people who can read and interpret the times of their appearance.
Հեռուստասերիալների հետքերով
Չե՛ք մարսելու... Ծովինար Նազարյանը գրում է. http://lurer.com/?p=29683&l=am
What consequences is the author referring to? Only a few hundred people have shown up for these protests against Nemets Rubo and what happened to Vahe Avetyan. The masses of people here in Armenia are like sheep to the slaughter. There is no passion, no rage, no willpower. Had this happened elsewhere in the Mid East, people would be storming the barricades. Armenians are a spineless lot only concerned with their stomachs and pockets. Sad but true. I get the sense that the author is promoting some type of vigilante action against the oligarchs. This will solve nothing!!!The system is the culprit not the men and women who are currently running it and benefiting from it. Eliminating a few top klepto-crooks might be comforting but it won't provide a lasting solution. Only a popular revolt can achieve this and Armenia is no where ready for such a step.
Վարազ Սյունի (Ամստերդամ)
Arsen(14) - 2012 թվի post-modern դարաշրջանում հեղափոխության ձևերն էլ են post-modern-ային: Հիմա 1917թ.-ը չէ,որ միայն փողոցներում բարիկադներ սարքելով հեղափոխություն կարելի է անել: Հետո,ես ոչ մի բանի շիրա չեմ տալիս:
Hello Aram....That's exactly what I said...it's the system, not the this or that individual. Sure, you see a Nemets or a Lfik and think that the manifestations of the system can be eliminated by eliminating its visible representatives. Ahh, but therein lies the problem. The system has overtaken its originators and now controls and manipulates them! There are a thousand others in Armenia just waiting for the chance to fill the shoes of this or that klepto-oligarch. It's the system that must be smashed and purged from Armenia. Taking out a few of the system's most visible reps is easy, but the system will forge ahead, seizing new converts to run the day to day operations. Armenians are always looking for the quick-fix when there isn't any. The system is so entrenched that it must be dug out by its roots and they run very deep indeed.

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