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Grisha Balasanyan

Armenian Anti-Corruption Investigator Deposits $191K in One Month

Twenty-eight-year-old Vardan Manukyan has deposited 77 million drams (US$191,000) in Armenian banks since becoming an investigator in the country’s Corruption Prevention Committee (CPC) this October 20.

Manukyan, according to his financial disclosure when assuming the post, had seventeen million drams of revenue, 6.8 million drams, $12,200 and 3,000 Euros in cash deposits.

Manukyan, prior to his recent appointment, worked in Yerevan’s Municipal Court, in Armenia’s Special Investigative Service, and the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Hetq contacted the CPC to see if it knew how Manukyan made the above $191K.

CPC Press Secretary Marina Ohanjanyan replied that Manukyan sold some real estate. Manukyan didn’t list any real estate in his November disclosure.

The disclosure only reports one real estate sale worth five million drams ($12,400).

Update: Following the article’s publication, the CPC issued a statement arguing that Hetq, perhaps unintentionally “attempted to create a controversial image among the readers about the CPC, trying to question the conduct of the Committee's investigators.”

The CPC also issued details of the real estate Manukyan allegedly sold, later depositing the proceeds.

Initially, the CPC failed to provide these details to the author’s article.

The CPC, amazingly, was surprised that the article was so widely discussed.

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