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V&M Armenian Brandy Toasted at Prestigious International Exhibition

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During the previous week, Moscow hosted the prestigious international ProdExpo exhibition with a large number of participants, guests, and producers under one roof.

Within the exhibition framework, as every year, the "Armenia Wine" company assumed the greatest responsibility of perfectly presenting Armenian wine, brandy, and national culture to the world.

Being a major producer in the region and occupying leading positions in winemaking for years, the "Armenia Wine" company also presented the result of its 18 years of work this year with the aroma of handcrafted brandy.

  • The start of this cycle was extremely responsible and important for the company. From the first days of our activity, we have cherished this goal: to create Armenian brandy, which is a piece of art in its entirety, born as a result of love, honesty, and dedication, - mentions Kristine Vardanyan, the commercial director of "Armenia Wine" company, adding, - just months ago, we introduced this symphony of brandy-making art to the Armenian public, today it is already known outside the borders of Armenia.

V&M: here is the name of the company's unique brandy, which was officially presented to the international consumer during the Moscow ProdExpo exhibition.

The participants of the exhibition and connoisseurs of drinks talk with great enthusiasm about the new brandy from the "Armenia Wine" company.

  • I am delighted:  this is truly a completely new and exceptional example in the history of Armenian brandy, I can even say it’s one step ahead in the market. This was an interesting discovery for us, - noted experts of the field, while tasting V&M brandy for the first time.

The path of the "Armenia Wine" company is always combined with Armenian culture, history, and traditions: ProdExpo 2024 is no exception. During the 5 days of the exhibition at the company's pavilion, the flavors and aromas of the Armenian terroir were merged with the live performance of Armenian classical music, completing the company's goal of presenting Armenia in the best way to the world.

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