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Hayk Makiyan

Anya Sarkisova

Yerevan – Rally to Oust Pashinyan

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan has organized another rally in downtown Yerevan to protest the government’s border deal with Azerbaijan and to demand Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation.

Galstanyan, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church’s Tavush Diocese, announced that he will suspend his spiritual duties after being nominated the Tavush for the Motherland Movement’s candidate for prime minister if the parliament succeeds to bring an impeachment vote against the prime minister.  

Rallygoers are scheduled to march on the government headquarters to demand Pashinyan’s resignation.

Comments (1)

Koko D
With all due respect, with great admiration, the priest has no chance to succeed. There are more police than protesters on the ground.

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