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Armen Mirzoyan

Russia Claims Armenia Owes CSTO Money Despite Membership Suspension

Moscow claims Armenia still has financial obligations to the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), despite the Armenian government’s decision to suspend its membership in CSTO.

In May, Armenia announced it would no longer make financial contributions to CSTO.  

The Armenian government has criticized CSTO for not fulfilling its security obligations given Azerbaijan’s seizure of Armenian territory.

The Russian Foreign Ministry, as quoted by RIA Novosti, says Armenia must pay it financial obligations to CSTO based on accepted global practice.

The Russian Foreign Ministry says that due to Armenia's refusal to finance the CSTO, it will be necessary to adjust the budget of the organization for 2024.

For 2024, Armenia's contribution to the CSTO was set at 53.2 million rubles (US$598,000).


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