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Armenian Labor Minister, Indian Ambassador Discuss Regulating Migrant Workers

Armenian Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Narek Mkrtchyan and Indian Ambassador to Armenia Nilakshi Saha Sinha met in Yerevan today and discussed possible mechanisms to regulate the growing number of Indian migrant workers coming to Armenia.

In 2017, the Armenian government decided to change the law to make it easier for Indian citizens to get an entry visa.

Since then, the number of Indians living and working in Armenia has increased. Last year, 3,200 Indians were granted a work visa, compared to 530 the year before and 55 in 2021. The head of Armenia’s Migration and Citizenship Service recently announced that more Indians are now working than studying in Armenia.

The two officials discussed steps to attract Indian workers with medium-level skills and highly qualified specialists.

See: Indian Migrants: The Armenian Dream

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