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Armen Mirzoyan

Blinken, Aliyev Discuss Peace Agreement with Armenia

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, during a telephone conversation with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev yesterday, underscored the significance of concluding a peace agreement with Armenia without delay.

Blinken, according to his office, reiterated the United States remains willing to support further engagement in any way useful to the parties.

 Emphasizing the importance of the U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relationship, Blinken highlighted constructive cooperation with Azerbaijan on shared climate and energy goals, adding the United States was committed to helping make COP29 a success.

He called for a renewed and stronger bilateral relationship between the United States and Azerbaijan. He again urged Azerbaijan to adhere to its international human rights obligations and commitments and releasing all those unjustly detained. He called on Azerbaijan to do so expeditiously.

(Hetq: As to whom Blinken refers to by "those unjustly detained" remains unclarified.)

Photo: Azerbaijani President's Press Service

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