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Seda Hergnyan

Armenia's Child Poverty Rate - 31.7%

Nearly one-quarter of Armenia’s population lives below the poverty line.

According to data published by the country’s National Statistical Service, 23.7% of the population was categorized as “poor” in 2023 and 1.1% “extremely poor” in 2023.

A citizen whose monthly consumption did not exceed 53,590 drams ($139) was considered poor. This includes food and household goods, utility bills, transportation, medical expenses, etc. In the case of the extremely poor, the monthly consumption did not exceed 29,786 drams.

Child poverty in Armenia is pegged at 31.7%. 1.8% of children under the age of eighteen are “extremely poor”.

Poverty is lower in Armenia’s urban areas of Armenia than in the villages - 21.5% compared to 27%.

Compared to 2022, the poverty rate fell by 1.1 percentage points, and extreme poverty by 0.1 percentage points.

Comments (1)

Аликсан Тельнов
А если еще больше усложнить работу на себя и повысить налоги на самозанятых будет еще больше бедных семей. Но пока пресса пишет только о хороших новостях и не умеет задавать сложные вопросы и требовать чёткого ответа, эта страна будет бедной.

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