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Armen Mirzoyan

Lavrov Says Armenia Doesn't Want Russia's Help In Azerbaijan Negotiations

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that if Armenia wants to hold direct negotiations with Azerbaijan without the participation of Russia, then "so be it”.

TASS reports that Lavrov, at an address to students and teachers at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, said that agreements signed by Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan following the 2020 Artsakh war remain “up in the air”.

He again criticized Armenia for seeking the intervention of the West in the process to normalize relations with Azerbaijan and not consulting Moscow.

It’s their choice. But first, it is necessary to agree with the Azerbaijani neighbors. There is no other way," Lavrov said.

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan, during an August 31 press conference, said that Yerevan considers the bilateral format of negotiations with Baku to be the most effective at this stage.

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