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Grisha Balasanyan

Armenia Mulls Shutting Downn 1,000 Unlicensed Foreign Gambling Websites

An Armenian interdepartmental commission is considering shutting down 1,056 foreign internet gambling and lottery websites that operate in Armenia without an appropriate license.

According to Statista, a global data and business intelligence platform, revenue in Armenia’s online gambling sector is projected to reach US$25.42m in 2024 and US$32.64m by 2029.

In October of this year, amendments to the laws "On Gambling, Internet Gambling and Casinos" and "On Lotteries" came into force, according to which websites of internet gambling and lotteries prepared in foreign countries and organized by organizations that do not have an appropriate license as defined by the legislation of Armenia are subject to blocking. This function is reserved for public electronic communications network operators providing Internet access services.

Armenian Finance Ministry Secretary General Arayik Yesayan told Hetq that one issue of concern is the lack of customer protection in the case of unlicensed foreign companies.

“As a result, bets placed on internet gambling and lotteries   are falling outside state control and are turning into shadow activities,” Yesayan said.

According to LCB, an independent directory and reviewer of online casinos, writes: “The online gambling environment in Armenia is particularly atypical, and there may be no other country in the world right now with the same type of situation going on.”

LCB says while it’s illegal for players in Armenia to play with sites licensed in other countries, “there is no enforcement mechanism for this ban at any level whatsoever.”

LCB adds the situation is made  more complicated because land-based casinos in Armenia and betting companies offer their own internet gambling sites that are licensed in other countries.

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