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Vahe Avetyan's Sister Calls for Blacklist of Officals/Oligarchs

In an open letter dated September 7, Nvard Avetyan, sister of Vahe Avetyan, the Armenian military physician beaten to death on June 17, accuses Rouben Hayrapetyan of directly ordering the assault on her brother and his friends at the Harsnakar Restaurant.

Calling Hayrapetyan a mafia oligarch, Nvard Avetyan, calls on all people of goodwill to join the fight for justice and to hold accountable all those guilty of tis heinous crime.

She argues that the beating death of an Armenian army officer is yet further proof that all citizens of Armenia enjoy no protection under the law and the most inviolable of human rights, the right to live, is not safeguarded.

Nvard Avetyan states that such crimes cast a shadow on Armenia’s Constitution as well.

In her letter, Avetyan calls for the creation of a list of those Armenian officials and oligarchs that must be sanctioned by a variety of world governments and international organization - in essence a blacklist.

She proposes that the family members of those officials and oligarchs be banned from entering various countries and that their international bank accounts be frozen.

Comments (3)

Erb franciaum Toulouse qaxaqum mahmedakan eritasard@ spanez zinvorakanin, meknabanvez, vor petutyunn e harvazi tak,VAHEn zinvor er, aisor mer petutyunn iren harvazox ev arhamarhox xujanin pachtpanum e, ur e petyun@, isk nemez@ or araj piti zxja ev neroxutyun xndri, gone ir zavakneri apagai hamar
Ara Manoogian
I agree and quite clearly today there are about 75 such criminals occupying seats in Parliament, violating article 65 of the Armenian constitution. Anyone interested in learning more about this can visit www.ttmbt.com/65

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