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Activists Demand Halt to Construction of New Hydro Plants

A number of environmental groups in Armenia have demanded that construction on all mini hydro-electric plants in the country be halted until proper environmental impact studies have been carried out by an inter-departmental working group comprised of civic, state and local representatives.

On October 11, the Minister of the Environment called for the creation of such a working group to study the situation in the village of Getahovit, where one hydro-plant exists and another is under construction.

Earlier that day, Getahovit residents and environmental activists had staged a protest outside the Ministry of the Environment.

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Karcum eq namaky khasni Tigran Sargsyanin ha?? Sargsyan Davidy laaav el hamagorcakcuma Bulku het u namak@ chi nerkayacni Varchapetin. Ktesneq

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