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Larisa Paremuzyan

Haghbat Restaurateur: “He ate here and paid the bill in pots"

Some residents of Haghbat village called Hetq yesterday. They were concerned that some large clay vessels unearthed at the nearby Alaverdi cemetery had wound up on the grounds of the Atorik restaurant. 

The residents wanted to know how these large clay vessels, with evident historical value, had been “privatized” by the restaurant owner. So today, I went to investigate. 

“Hey, I didn’t steal them. Somebody was selling them, so I bought them,” said Garik Tantoushyan, the owner. He refused to say who from.

“One guy was selling them. Another gave them to me in lieu of payment for eating here,” was all he was ready to tell me. 

Garik did tell me that there are many clay vessels to be found locally. Some residents want experts from the Ministry of Culture to examine the vessels and date them.

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sa hastat kankurent restoranneri sarqac gorca

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