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43 Armenian Cultural Sites to Become Part of the Black Sea Silk Road Corridor

On April 2, the USAID-funded Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness (EDMC) Project and the Armenian Monuments Awareness Project (AMAP) announced the Black Sea Silk Road Corridor (BSSRC) project, a two-year initiative that fosters tourism development, cross-border cooperation and economic development in 173 communities across four countries of the Black Sea Silk Road Corridor – Armenia, Georgia, Greece and Turkey.

A trail of cultural sites will be marked throughout the region. The President of AMAP, Richard Ney, explained how the trail will be marked, which Armenian cultural, historical and natural sites will be part of the trail and how the project will be implemented during the next two years. The Armenian trail will encompass 43 sites in the capital Yerevan as well as in Shirak, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, and Syunik provinces.

In Armenia the project is funded by the EU Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation framework, USAID through its EDMC Project, and AMAP as the lead implementer. The Project is expected to alleviate rural isolation and develop local communities through the creation of tourism networks and the promotion of local (rural) services and traditional products.

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