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About Gallup Polls, Kazakhstan and William Saroyan

According to polls conducted between 2010 and 2012 by the Gallup World Institute in twelve countries of the former USSR, 40% of the population of Armenia want to leave permanently their country, while in the case of Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan and Ouzbekistam, that percentage would be reduced respectively to 16%, 13%, 11% et 5%. 

Not only objectively, but even with a maximum of pessimism, bad faith – or even downright armeniaphobia -  possible and imaginable, comparing the current conditions of life and the perspectives of the future between Armenia and those other countries, the excessive disproportion between the above-stated results cannot be explained, rationally. It is therefore necessary to study this phenomenon from another angle. 

Armenians, in a large majority, do not have the sense of Homeland. 

Why is it so ? The answer is simple. In the whole History, on a territorial and statehood level, Armenians had a homeland during approximately 24 years only. Including 1918-20. In the whole History of the world and humanity, that is, since the beginning of times... 

A total of hardly 24 years, over a period of at least 3000 years. 

During the period when Armenia existed under its name, there never was any central Armenian State, nor any pan-armenian national consciousness, identifying itself with regard to any such supreme and unique authority. Until the Kingdom of Cilicia, Armenia was an arrangement of various sub-countries, based on a radical feudalistic system. Not only the multiple princedoms did not entertain any relation of belonging – let alone subordination – towards the country of the King, but most of the time, they were literally at war against the latter. Each princedom was also internally fractioned by its own feuds, mainly for family issues. 

The Kingdom of Cilicia constitutes a fundamental dissociation, in the territorial and geographic sense of the word, with what could have been the homeland of Armenians. But even that did not work… 

During the subsequent five and a half centuries, Armenia disappeared totally, as a distinct country. In this interval, even on an abstract or conceptual level, the divisions continued though. Between Persian Armenia, Western Armenia and Caucasian Armenia - none of which being, nor even being actually called, Armenia -, Armenians did not have neither a real country, nor a unique homeland, nor any common national identity. 

At the beginning or the middle of the 19th century, the Movement of National Liberation started, aspiring to change the situation. The idea of "one Nation, one People, one Homeland, one State" was establish, and resulted in 1918, for better or for worse, to the genesis of a residual country. But before things could really take shape, the soviet episode occurred. The latter ended with the re-emerging of this country of Armenia at a foetal state, this embryonic State. In the interim, though, the Diaspora became a distinct entity by itself. 

Thus, during the whole history of the world, Armenians existed, lasted, and even sometimes evolved, without any country, any homeland, any Statehood. 

Accordingly, they came to the conclusion that... they do not need any homeland. 

They even massively convinced themselves that a country, a homeland or a State is rather a deplorable obstacle to their preservation, their development and their future. 

This is why, today, Armenians living in other countries do not consider Armenia as their homeland, and Armenians who live in Armenia are not interested in remaining there. 

William Saroyan has a famous text, which we often find nicely framed and hung in the living room of Armenians. He says that, whenever two Armenians meet, anywhere and even by chance, they instantly build their own Armenia there, even by the mere fact of having met. 

Today, Saroyan could have gone further. Because nowadays, even one Armenian is sufficient to create his/her Armenia, the way he/she wants it. Sometimes, one Armenian can even invent several Armenias, and not only at different stages of his/her life, but often all of them at the same time. 

But here's the problem. By continually creating and re-creating, to infinity, all those multiple and innumerable Armenias, the only Armenia that Armenians do not recognize anymore, the only one to which they do not relate, the one that they consider unreal, useless and without any future, is – yes, you guessed it ! - : Armenia. 

Under these circumstances, the 40% mentioned at the beginning of this status report is probably less then what the reality is, certain respondents having chosen to contain themselves, by some kind of shyness. 

Also, the Poll in question should be completed with another one, in order to confirm formally that 99% of Armenians outside of Armenia not only do not want to move there, but that a staggering percentage of them have not even visited it, not once. What for, since they already have their own multiple Armenias ?  Each of them his/hers, even several ones. 

But let us conclude by reminding that, also at all times, it is always a minority of Armenians who have insured the survival, the preservation - and from time to time, the progression -  of this strange nation. Consequently, 60% of Armenians not wanting to permanently leave Armenia, that is already too enormous. Come to think of it, it is even suspicious, as a poll result...

Haytoug Chamlian

Canada, April 07, 2013

Comments (7)

I have to completely agree with Ani's response.
Ani jilozian
Dear Haytoug, it's too far of a leap to suggest that not having a homeland throughout history is the reason why 40% of surveyed Armenians want to leave Armenia. I don't know about life in Uzbekistan, but it's not possible to even compare the two. The other post-Soviet states all dealt with poverty, and few of the other post-Soviet states have dealt with war. But how many have suffered from a massive earthquake, blockade, few resources, AND war and poverty. Perhaps it's not evident when walking around the center of Yerevan that life is any different than elsewhere in the former Soviet Union, but the villages (and even just the outskirts of Yerevan) tell a different story. Perhaps also the Armenian public is more disillusioned by its corrupt politics. It's impossible to make this sort of comparison. To also address your last comment about Diasporans who have visited, I have (and know many others who have) a number of family members and friends who have visited. A few, like me, have also decided to repatriate. I can't logically follow your claim. You posit an interesting theory, but I just find it baseless. I'm positive that you would find that a large majority of Armenians who have left Armenia are patriotic about their homeland but simply left to find a better life.
Dear Ani, what you are stating is indeed the general impression which prevails now in the Armenian Word, based on this odd culture of complaints, pessimism and lamentation that we have developed for ourselves, after the euphoria of the first couple of years of having a country. The main problem with that is that it undermines the merit and valor of all those Armenians who, despite all the hardship, difficulties and challenges, have expressed - not only in that same Poll in question but also in the reality that you should be witnessing - their determination to remain in their Homeland, and to contribute to its resurgence, preservation and improvement. That is the 60% which has truly impressed me, in light of my exposé.
Հետաքրքիր մոտեցումով եք խնդիրը արծարծել: Անշուշտ ճշմարտության մասնիկներ ունի այս հոդվածը բայց հաերի ներկա իրավիճակից զատ կարևոր է թե ինչ երազանքի և ցանկութեան ուղղութեամբ կը կարողանան իրկանացնէն իրենց համախմբվացությունը: Ցավոք թվում է թե պատմության ընթացքում եզակի համախմբվացության դեպքեր են եղել, այն էլ կյանքի և մահվան պարագայում: Արցախի գոյամարտը վերջին առիթն էր որ հայությունը միավորվեց այդ հայրենիք հասկացությունը կերտէլու համար: Մենք ըստ երևույթին հայրենիք ենք կորցնում մեր պատճառով քան արտաքին թշնամիների պատճառով:Հայաստան աշխարհագրական տարածքը միշտ էլ ենթարկվել է հայաթափման ավելի շատ հայ իշխանների պատճառով որոնք պատմության ըթացքում միշտ մտահոգված են եղել իրենց իշխանության ոլորտը ամրապնդել և տարածել մեկը մյուսի հանդեպ մատուցելով ծառայություն մերթ Հույներին մեկ պարսիկներին, հռոմյացիներին ,արաբներին, սելջուկներին, մոնղոլներին,թուրքերին , ռուսներին կամ արևմուտքին: Հայը նախ պիտի նվաճի ինքն իրեն :
Հոդվածից այնպիսի տպավորություն ես ստանւմ, որ ուզում է մի բան ասի, բայց չի կարողանում միտքը ձևակերպել, մեկ էլ լավ կլինի գնաք ու պատմություն կարդաք:
Հայդուկ Շամլեան
Յարգելի Վալոդ, գրում ես ՝ « Արցախի գոյամարտը վերջին առիթն էր որ հայությունը միավորվեց այդ հայրենիք հասկացությունը կերտէլու համար: » Սակայն արդեօք աւարտե՞լ է Արցախի գոյամարտը...

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