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Their alternative homeland

Razmik   Markosyan 

The world undergoes a process of globalization on one hand, and it is divided into religious, political and any kind of groups and subcultures on the other hand.  Ones unite this world, the others separate it. While some forces try to be first to hold off the world, it is collapsing.

Such phenomena are much more visible in small countries where they are first of all mostly dangerous.

Freedom of conscience lies at the heart of any democratic country. The economic powers, hidden by this incontestable thesis of economic field, produce various sects and subcultures letting them operate freely. Later the powerful countries try to force to the world their “productions” running no danger for them. And if you do not accept those “productions”, you are considered to be not democratic and should endure consequences, but if you accept them you are tied to those separatist groups created to allegedly satisfy human religious and ideological needs leading people through the globalization.

Thereby, had our country entered the era of independence, it was forcibly tied to the legislative substantiation that allowed the religious sects to operate freely. These religious sects intruded to Armenia in the most unfavorable period for us: we were facing the formation phase of new relationship between religious organizations and the state on the one hand, and the population having incomplete understanding of their religious needs as a heritage of the soviet era on the other hand. (The religious sects intruded to Armenia after the earthquake of 1988 to stimulate their undermining activities disguised under the veil of charity.) Those religious organizations, though political by origin, were all tended to corrupt our national unity. But I want to mention the Jehovah's witnesses as their followers refuse to serve in the army saying that their faith does not allow military service. To refusing serving in the army they cite the Bible interpreting it in favor of their group or political interests.

It is no secret that we live in a dangerous region and our peace is very fragile. On the contrary, the world “has not sent” any restrictive religious organization to our militant neighbor Azerbaijan that is gradually arming with new military technologies.

The military policy of our peace-loving country views the Jehovah's witnesses as a centralized desertion which is persecuted by law. And our country, on the way of Europeanization, has adopted a law about “The alternative service” (2003). According to this law the Jehovah's witnesses should pass a civil service instead of military. This new decision was excitedly accepted by the “witnesses” and their supporters. But after a while all the Armenian followers of this religious organization refused the alternative service, too. Now it turns out they mind passing their civil service under the supervision of Defense Ministry. Once they may refuse obeying to secular law or paying taxes protesting that the army is financed by the state budget.  But we should remember our forefathers and spiritual leaders who were blessing the defenders of our country; did they falsely comprehend the nature of Christian faith? 

The Bible does not preach to attack, abuse or kill but it does not preach to tolerate all these either. “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God”, says the Son of God. And what people gave to Caesar – they pay taxes with which Caesar first of all equipped the armed forces of the country.

In the Bible Jesus, John the Baptist, or the apostles do not criticize or refuse the army and military service. While baptizing people in the Jordan River, John the Baptist gives the same advice to everyone: soldiers and not militaries: “Then some soldiers asked him, "And what should we do?" He replied, "Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely and be content with your pay." (Luke, Chapter 3. 14).

There are such lines in the Bible: The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “You and Aaron shall record all men of the age of twenty and more, those who can take a weapon to fight for the Israeli army”.

There are many such records in the Bible. And there is no word of leaving the own country defenseless.

The law about “The alternative service” in our country is a perfect privilege. But on the other hand, it is a violation of the others’ rights if taken into consideration the strictness of RA law about “Military service” according to which such fellows serve in the army whose call to military service is not favorable for our country from the scientific, cultural and social points of view. The privilege providing thesis of the new law about “The alternative service” says: “The alternative service is aimed at providing the implementation of civic duty for the country and society and has no nature of punishment or diminishing person’s dignity”. So, by this law we create perfect conditions for the “witnesses” to not be called to the army, but to serve in their “alternative” country.

But this is not the end. The “witnesses”, managed from Brooklyn, after receiving the freedom of fake preaching and the privilege of alternative service try to implement the next step.

They have already declared that the young “witnesses” should by themselves decide if to implement the alternative service or refuse it. They should make this decision “leaning upon their conscience brought up by the Bible”. It is interesting how their “brought up conscience” can let them live in peaceful conditions provided by the others.

Is it proper for a Christian to refer to the faith to avoid of difficulties and make use of the others’ achievements without own investment? Is it the Christianity they are preaching in our country?

It should be mentioned that this religious organization “uses” their “New world’s translation” of the Bible preaching it with the falsified interpretation.

Nevertheless, on the way of democratization of our country, the executive bodies make new changes in the law for “witnesses” to meet the demands of the religious organization. But I am sure this is not a solution to the question as  they will not stop on this issue. Their fake religious  activities  and preaches are a better way to clear out our pockets and minds. I mean the trials presented in the European court as cases of violation of freedom of conscience that are aimed at clearing out the state budget.

Our national security requires and compels the national unity. Our people has already shown such a unity during the battle of Sardarapat in  1918 when the farmers, intellectuals and clergymen  stood next by the militants to fight the enemy. The true citizen of independent Armenia first of all should strive for such a unity. This ideology should lie in the basis of the educational, cultural and military upbringing in our country. Our country should first of all be based on this idea, and not the alien organizations of conspirator beliefs aimed at exhausting their followers to make the latters  manageable as possible. 

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Հարգելի Հոդվածագիր, միանգամայն ճշմարտացի են Ձեր նկատառումները, Քրիստոնեության գաղափարների արևի ներքո օրեցօր բազմացող այս տեսակը երբեք չի կշտանա,կարող ենք բոլոր օրենքները մեղմացնել, նրանց համար նույնիսկ հանել, հետո նրանք կասեն. ճիշտ է մենք չենք ծառայում, բայց մենք պետք է որոշենք ով ծառայի, այնպես թող թուլանան այն ձեռքերը, որոնք նման օրենքների համար վեր կխոյանան կամ նման օրենքների տակ կստորագրեն: Տարրական իրողություն է , օգտվում ես բարիքից, բարի եղիր բոլորին հավասար ավանդ ունենալ հենց այդ բարիքի ձեռք բերման համար: Հայրենիքը և նրա անվտանգությունը, որը բոլորս Փառք Աստծո այսօր վայելում ենք, բոլորինս է, ուրեմն բոլորս էլ պետք է եթե ոչ հավասարաչափ, ապա գոնե հավասարազոր մեր Հայրենիքի, մեր պետականության համար պատրաստակամ լինենք: Ով այս սկզբունքին դեմ է, ավելի լավ է կամովի արտագաղթի, քան մնացյալի հոգին խեղաթյուրի:
Մեխակ Գաբրիելյան
Այնքան լավ է ասված: Կեցցես: Իսկ ես առաջարկում եմ մեր իշխանությանը նաև արգելել բոլոր տեսակի աղանդների գործունեությունը հանուն մեր երկրի անվտանգության, այլ ոչ թե Եվրոպաների թելադրանքի, որոնց ցանկությունն է Հայաստանը տեսնել միշտ լլկված:
Անդրանիկ Հակոբյան
Ցանկության դեպքում հեշտ է ճշտել, որ մենք ընկերներ ենք Ռազմիկ Մարկոսյանի հետ: Ցանկության դեպքում կարելի է նկատել, որ Իր խոհագրությունների, հուշապատումների և հասարակագիտական վերլուծությունների առթիվ իմ ,,քոմենթները,, վերաբերմունք ունենալու իմ համեստ փորձն են, թող որ թույլ՝ իմ պատկերացումները՝ հնարավորինս ոչ ընկերականության դիրքերից: Նոր աշխատանքը հիանալի պատասխան է Խղճի ազատության կեղծ ուսմունքներ ներկրողներին և օգտակար միջոց՝ ազգային անվտանգության տակտիկայի մեթոդաբանության համար: Անդրադարձ չեմ ուզում կատարել, այնքան որ հիմնարար է ասված: ՈՒզում եմ մի երկտող փոխանցել հարգարժան Վարդանին: Եղբայրս, խնդիրները լուծել է հարկավոր, ոչ թե արտաքսել: Արտագաղթն առանց քո խորհրդի էլ վատ չի ստացվում:

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