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Offensive Language Signs Being Removed in Yerevan

Signs, billboards and other adverts violating the “Language Law” are being dismantled according to the Yerevan Municipality.

Araz Baghdasaryan, who heads the municipality’s Department of External Design and Advertising, says that his team is telling store and business owners in advance as to when to expect the dismantling of the offending signs.

Baghdasaryan says his team has spotted some 3,000 signs violating the law, of which 1,300 are located in the city center.

He says that all such offending signs will be removed by August 1.

For those who haven’t visited Yerevan, many businesses have signs displayed in two or more languages. Oftentimes, if the store has an English name, for example Pretty Woman, that name will also appear in an Armenian transliterated version.

Go figure.



Comments (1)

for a better Armenia
How about casinos which one sees a lot near Yerevan and across the country? How about non smoking areas for families and children in cafes and restaurants - It seems Armenian has become paradise for smokers How about advertising of alcohol and cigars even near schools and in public parks and in public TV this 24X7 hours? How about so many building skeletons across Yerevan and across the country sides ?

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