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Grisha Balasanyan

8 Year-Old Gor: Waiting for a Heart Operation

Gor is an 8 year-old boy who dreams of having a personal computer.

His mother, Naira Mkrtchyan, told me that the doctors in Kapan never told her that her son was born with a heart defect. Gor has a hard time standing on his feet for any length of time.

When Gor was six months old, Naira noticed he was always short of breath and that his pulse was quite fast. Since then, she's taken her son to the Nork Marash Medical Center in Yerevan for check-ups once or twice a year.

Doctors say the boy needs an operation but that he's too young to undergo such treatment now. They haven't told her when Gor will be ready.

So she waits for the call from Yerevan. Naira has even taken Gor to get his teeth looked after so that dental issues will not prevent the operation later on.

Gor's parents haven't had an easy go of it. Two years after Gor was born, the family was blessed with another son; Gevorg. Naira was anxious to know if this child also had heart problems and specifically requested that the doctors examine the child. Luckily, the baby was healthy.

There are eight in the family – the parents and six children.

Every year, the Syunik Regional Administration gives Naira 30,000 AMD to cover the costs to take Gor to Yerevan. Last year, the Kapan Municipality also chipped in with 30,000.

Gor has to go to Yerevan again this month, but the family doesn't have the money for transportation.

"I haven't yet applied to the municipality for the money. Let's see what happens when I do," Naira said.

Gor told us that he's a good student but that he can't play with the other kids like he would want.

"I have to take a rest every 10 minutes," Gor said, adding that he's a brave boy and not scared of the doctors.

The family gets by on an allowance of 46,000 AMD per month in addition to the 14,000 disability pension for Gor.

While Gor needs a diet rich in vitamins, Naira says she always can't stretch the budget to buy the food the boy needs.

She says her husband, Rudik Nersisyan, isn't in the best of health himself after coming down with a bout of malaria a few years ago. Heavy physical work is out of the question.

He wants to at least work nights as a security guard but was warned by social services that if his wages are above 30,000 AMD he will be stripped of his allowance portion.

Recently, Naira worked 21 days for a friend who owns a bakery. For each loaf of lavash she baked, Naira received 2 AMD. She quit after being told that she would have to be registered on the books as an employee.

"I was getting pennies and they wanted to take away the allowance if I worked. It would have made things really tough for the family. My husband and I would have to make at least 50,000-60,000 monthly to take care of the family without the allowance," Naira said.

The family owes about 170,000 in debt to a number of stores in Kapan. Some of the allowance money goes to pay off the debt.

Naira has been able to get work on and off doing laundry and other housework in Kapan, but it's only enough for pocket money.

Their house has a small garden for growing some vegetables and fruit – but not enough to sell.

When we entered the house, it was sparsely furnished and the whiff of humidity immediately hit us. Most family members sleep two to a bed.

"Right now, we can't think of anything else but Gor's health," Naira said.

Comments (1)

To Cholo The comment was meant for my facebook page, I didn't realize that it showed up on this site as well. The reason I posted it on facebook is because I thought that maybe a doctor in the US would come forward and offer to help this young boy. As far as helping the family I have contacted the author of this article (before your post) to get this family's contact info...charity is not something I broadcast to everyone but since you brought it up maybe you can join me in helping this family.

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