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Marine Martirosyan

65 Out of 131 Armenian MPs Haven't Uttered a Word in Three Months

Of the 131 deputies in Armenia’s National Assembly, 65 have not uttered a word in the legislative chamber since September.

These taciturn MPs have neither spoken from the podium or raised a question form the floor during the 4th Session of the National Assembly’s 5th Convocation that ran from September 9 to December 5, 2013.

Breaking down the list of “mute” MPs, we get the following picture per parliamentary faction:

Republican Party – 36 (out of 70 MPs)

Prosperous Armenia – 23 (out of 36 MPs)

Country of Law – 3 (out of 6 MPs)

ARF – 2 (out of 5 MPs)

Independent - 1

Comments (8)

Maybe they are all on sick leave?
Isk karox e patahi der xosal chen sovorel, de angraget en eli...
HHK-i andamneri masin - Strukner@ xosel chgiten, miayn irenc tiroj hramanner@ katarel giten.
Да-да!! и молча поедают церковных кур! Работа такая!
Վատ չէ,հարգելի պատգամավորները իրենց պահվածքով հուշում և ասում են՝,, ԱԶԳԱՅԻՆ ԺՈՂՈՎԻՆ մեծ շքեղություն է 131 պատգամավոր ունենալը, ժողովուրդ՝ մտածեք,,:
Meliqset, vat mitq chi, byce vaxenam sranc patjharov dzain ch@havaqi et hatci qvearkum@ ;)
Himarin lreln e imastutyun, imastunin xosel@:
Yes char asem te zang kaxem? Mkneri zoxovi orenqn e, zang kaxox@ char aselu het gorz chuni.

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