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New Israeli Ambassador Meets with Armenian Prime Minister, Foreign Mimister

RoA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan today met with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Armenia Shemi Tzur. Congratulating the Ambassador on his appointment, the PM expressed hope that Mr. Tzur's appointment will contribute to the further development and reinforcement of the Armenian-Israeli relations.During the meeting Tigran Sargsyan and Shemi Tzur agreed that Armenian-Israeli relations are entering a new stage of development and that new political and economic relations are shaping between the two countries. Reference was made to the discussions of the bill on recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the Israeli Knesset and the possibility of its adoption. At the request of Ambassador Tzur, Tigran Sargsyan presented Armenia’s official stance on the relations with the countries of the region, including its immediate neighbors. The newly appointed Ambassador of Israel also presented copies of his credentials to the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian. Greeting the guest, Minister Nalbandian noted that Armenia is interested in the development of mutually beneficial Armenian-Israeli relations and expressed hope that Ambassador Tzur will have his important contribution to the further expansion of cooperation between the two countries.

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