Student Led Anti-Corruption Campaign Hits Yerevan Campuses
The "Miasin" youth movement has launched an anti-corruption drive in several of Yerevan's colleges and universities that features the photographs of bribe-taking teachers being pasted. On the walls of buildings located next to Yerevan State University there are photos of at least twenty faculty and administration members with the word "bribe taker" written on them.
The posters also state that the names were compiled from interviews with students and emails sent to the "Miasin" website. There one reads that, "The aim of the project is to do away with all manifestations of corruption in the schools through the united action of the students and to publish the names of all corrupt teachers and faculty members."
The website statement also notes that, "The time has come for the students themselves to work for the establishment of the rule of law in the schools. Corruption in the education system merely serves to spawn similar practices in other sectors since it is the educational system that is churning out the corrupt leaders of tomorrow.
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