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"ExpoArmenia" Photo Exhibit in Argentina

On March 30, a photo exhibition of the works of Stepan Norayr Shahinyan entitled "ExpoArmenia" opened in the Cordoba parliament building in Argentina. On hand to open the exhibition were Vladimir Karmirshalyan, Armenia's Ambassador to Argentina, and Francisco Fortunan, Deputy President of the Cordoba Parliament. The exhibition is the result of talks held between the deputy speaker of the Cordoba parliament and the Armenian ambassador that reviewed the possibilities of economic and cultural relations between the two countries. An agreement has been reached to establish a sister-region relationship between Cordoba, where 8,000 Armenians reside, and one of the regions in Armenia. The idea behind the exhibition was conceived by the local chapter of the AGBU. The Ritex Company provided financial assistance for the event which is being sponsored by the Armenian Embassy in Argentina.

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