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Shushan Stepanyan

EU Official - Nuclear Energy Not in Armenia's Interests

08_04-atomakayanAt a press conference Marianne Isler Beguin, Co-president of the EU-Armenia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, commented, "For a whole host of reasons I can state that the building of a new nuclear reactor isn't the best solution for Armenia's energy needs." "There are many reasons why I say this. First, because Armenia is located in a active seismic zone. Secondly, because uranium and other energy resource materials aren't limitless in terms of supply. Then there's the important issue of waste materials - where are they to be stored, to be buried? They are long-lived and pose a continuous threat to humans. Thus, I would argue that other energy options need to be looked at," noted Ms. Isler Beguin. She agreed with the comments of U.S. President Obama that solar power needs to be given greater attention. "I would urge you to go visit California and see what technical advice and skills might be forthcoming."

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