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Shushan Stepanyan

Levon Zurabyan: "We are all travelling the road to victory"

At today's public rally organized by HAK (Armenian National Congress), Levon Zurabyan stated in his address to the tens of thousands of people who assembled at the foot of the Matenadaran that Armenia faces serious challenges and Turkish and Azerbaijani threats. Mr. Zurabyan stated that the country must have leaders to find solutions and not damage national interests. However the problem, according to the HAK leader, is that we don't have skilled leaders and that the present government is only interested in holding on to power. He noted one of the reasons for the deteriration in the welfare of the people is the illegal monopoly politics of the regime. "The oligarchs raise prices due to their monopolies and receive super profits. Most of this profit is appropriated by the regime and utilized to fake the elections," stated Mr. Zurabyan. He said that the rotten system could be toppled via the Armenian national movement and by opposing the oligarchic regime. Turning his attention on the municipal elections, Mr. Zurabyan stated that it was possible to change the results of last year's February 19th presidential elections and of March 1st, adding that the movement had the political program to accomplish this. Mr. Zurabyan declared that if the opposition wins the municipal elections, Opera's Freedom Sqyuare would be returned nto the people, the information blockade would be lifted, cable TV would be introduced and closed TV stations would be reopened. The HAK representative added that as a result special parliamentary and presidential elections would be held, constituional order would be restored. However, Mr. Zurabyan stated that for all this to happen the people must participate oin the municiapl elections and that no one has the right to shirk this duty. "All of us are travelling along this most important road which will lead to victory," noted Mr. Zurabyan

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