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Anahit Danielyan

Chipmunks Beware: NKR President Calls for Re-intensified Campaign against Crop Eaters

NKR President Bako Sahakyan convened a special session of the government to express his displeasure at the campaign being waged against harmful insects and gnawing animals. President Sahakyan said these animals ands insects cause harm to the crops and thus he decreed that a special working unit, comprised of government structures across the board, be created to stem the threat. NKR Minister of Agricultire Armo Tzaturyan told "Hetq" that the harmful insects are basically located in the Martakert region. He said that crops in the area suffer greatly but couldn't provide details. He reported that studies are now under way. Gnawing animals are more of a threat in in regions of Hatrut and Martuni. A campaign to alleviate the problem was launched quite some years ago but the effects have been minimal.

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