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Armen Davtyan

Emergency Resue Team Saves Two Boys Swept Away in River

05_06-prkararAt 5:40 pm, the Kapan fire brigade received word that two young boys had been swept away in the Voghj River. Minutes later, emergency services Director Davit Asatryan and a team of rescue personnel arrived on the scene. 14 year-old Garnik Avetisyan was fishing along the river bank when he slipped and fell in. Diving into the swollen river to save him was his friend, 15 year-old Albert. The waters swept both boys down river.

After being plucked from the icy waters, Garnik was rushed to the Kapan mediacl center for first aid. The staff says that his present condition is stable. The boy, probably still traumatized by the incident, didn't wish to speak to Hetq about the incident. His friend Albert was treated on site and later sent home. He expressed a desire to visit Garnik in hospital . 05_06-prkarar-1Martoun, Garnik's father, praised the courageous actions of the rescue team. Team leader Volodya Gabrielyan stated that, "When you arrive at an accident scene you stop thinking about your personal safety. You want to rescue those in peril at any cost." According to our information, a 40 year-old fell into the same stretch or river on June 3 and was lucikly dragged to shore.

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