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Armen Davtyan

10th Anniversary of Kapan Academy of Strategic Importance

kapan2The Kapan branch of the Russian-Armenian Humanities Academy celebrated it 10th anniversary. Over the years 142 students have graduated from the school, an achievement made possible by the efforts of Principal Victoria Davtyan.

The anniversay was marked with great fanfare and Mrs. Davtyan took pride in stating that the academy's graduates are now gainfully employed in a variety of government institutions and branches. Larisa Rshtouni, who oversees operations at the academy's main facility in Yerevan , read out a proclamation of the schools Chief Principal S. Karpenko bestowing Syunik Regional Governor Surik Khachatryan with the rank of "Academy Fellow". Principal Davtyan was awarded a third degree "meritorious service" award. Other honoraria were awards to the school's teaching staff and the best students and graduates. In his remarks, Syunik Regional Governor Khachatryan said that the opening of any institution of higher learning in the area had strategic importance. "When young people see that they have educational alternatives they stay tied to their native land and don't leave." Presently, the academy has a student enrollment of 168 and a staff of 20.

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