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Armen Davtyan

Syunik Prepares for Tomorrow's Government Session

Nine of the fifty-six issues on the agenda of the RoA government session to be held in Syunik on June 26 deal specifically with problems faced by the southernmost region of Armenia. The staff of the Syunik Regional Administration has been busy for the past three days getting the hall where the session will take place in order. Staff Director Razmik Ghazaryan asserts that preparations are taking place according to schedule and that no problems are foreseen. "The protocol will be the same as in Yerevan, The prime minister will enter the hall from a private room when everyone else has taken their places," Mr. Ghazaryan said. The hall seats 100, so there might be a problem accommodating the more than 20 reporters expected to attend. "Given the logistics of the site only ten reporters will be allowed to enter. The others will be seated in the outside reception area and allowed to enter after the session had ended and direct their questions to the ministers," he said. There will be no TV monitors outside the hall so that journalists can follow the proceedings inside. After the session, Prime Minister Sargsyan, along with several other ministers, will travel to Agarak to review the situation at the copper-molybdenum factory.

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