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Anahit Danielyan

Lebanese-Armenian Business Delegation Visits Kashatagh; Investments Planned

Today, NKR Prime Minister Arayik Harutyunyan met with representatives of Lebanon's "ArtsakhFund" and a group of Lebanese-Armenian businessmen. The foreign delegations are in Karabakh to get acquainted with the investment climate and to carry out some specific projects to develop the economy in Kashatagh. The Lebanese-Armenian businessmen, heading the suggestion of PM Harutyunyan to launch a livestock distribution program in Kashatagh, toured the area and met with local residents to get a better idea of how such a project might best be realized. In their meeting with the prime minister they offered their suggestions and concerns. PM Harutyunyan told the visiting businessmen that the program would be carried out jointly by the "ArtsakhFund" and the NKR Ministry of Agriculture's "Village and Agriculture Assistance Foundation". "The government will carry the full weight of the risk by guaranteeing a total return of the loans," PM Harutyunyan stated. During the meeting, it was suggested that the program start small and gradually grow in scope.

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