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Anahit Danielyan

Karabakh Prepares to Celebrate 18th Independence Day

The 18th anniversary of the independence of the NKR will be observed on September 2. To mark the occasion a series of festive ceremonies will take place in the capital of Stepanakert and the various districts of the country. A governmental committee created to organize the events surrounding the anniversary met today and mapped out a plan of action. For instance, throughout the country the first school day of the new year on September 1st will be devoted to Independence Day. Parliamentary deputies and government officials will visit various school classrooms that day and assist teachers in instructing pupils in the significance of Independence Day. On September 2, military parades will take place in Stepanakert and the regional centers followed by a variety of musical and sports events. That evening a large outdoor concert will take place at Stepanakert's Renaissance Square.

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