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Armen Davtyan

“I Am Human” Film Festival Slated for September

13_08-festivalWith the joint assistance of the "Open Society-Georgia" NGO and the Heinrich Boll Foundation's South Caucasus office, Armenia will host the "I Am Human" film festival in September for the second time. The three day festival is devoted to the themes of human rights and peace and will showplace documentary films from around the world. Film goers will have the opportunity to express their views during discussion sessions after the showing of each film.

The festival will kick off in the Armenian town of Vayk and continue on to Vanadzor, Noyemberyan, Kapan and finally Yerevan. According to festival organizers, out of the 76 films screened for qualification the best 25 were selected. Recently film makers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia gathered in Istanbul. For the first time, Artsakh will also be participating in the festival.

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