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Anahit Danielyan

Shushi, NKR - Signs of Recovery Finally on the Horizon

Construction is bustling in Shushi today. Everywhere you look repair work is underway and new buildings are going up. This activity is the result of the NKR government’s decision to transfer several state ministries and departments here. Most of the work is now being financed by the government but the upcoming marathon of the All Armenia Fund in November will be devoted to rebirth of Shushi. In all likelihood the Fund will launch work projects here come 2010. Grigor Avanesyan, who heads the Shushi Regional District's Division of Construction and Architecture, stated that the government had earmarked 70 million AMD for various work projects in Shushi. Repairs to the city’s water system are underway and the government has earmarked 10 million AMD for the necessary repairs to be made. Improvements to the Tadevos and Azatamartikner Streets in Shushi have begun and the 12 kilometer stretch of road to Kirsavan is in full swing. Local rural streets will also be repaired. Mr. Avanesyan stated that essential repairs to the Shushi administrative center have begun and construction of the NKR Supreme Court, in the vicinity of Aram Manukyan Street, is underway. He added that later on repair work will begin on the building housing the former People's University, which has been chosen as the new home of the Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs. Construction work also continues apace on the new building that will house the Shushi Picture Gallery. The gallery is set to open in 2011.

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