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Anahit Danielyan

Local Referendum Slated for Kashatagh

On September 27, a local referendum will take place in Karabakh for the first time. At the suggestion of the Kashatagh regional administration, on August 10 the NKR government decided to hold a referendum regarding the merging of the communities of Tzitzernavank and Tandzout. Today, a session of the NKR Central Elections Committee, took a look at issues related to the upcoming referendum. "Azat Artsakh" writes that in the latest election for community mayor that took place in Tandzout a few months ago there were no candidates for the post and thus the election was declared null and void. As a result, the regional administration petitioned the national government to merge the two communities as a measure of expediency. According to the law, at least a third of those registered to vote must cast ballots in the referendum and the proposal must garner more than 50% of the votes to pass.

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